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Pictures of Sanssouci

Click on the picture to enter the park

Please ENTER here
 Here, you can find out how to come to Sanssouci by public transport and by car. (This data might be a bit outdated by now...)
Here, you can find an alphabetical index of all the sights featured here until now

I decided not to use any frames, in order to allow everyone to view these pages.

Interesting Links:
The official Potsdam site
The official Unesco site on Potsdam
Another great site with lots of historical pictures
Deutsche Tour durch den Park bei
Information about Berlin

Plan your travel from Berlin to Potsdam
Concerts in Berlin
This site and all of the texts were created by Frédéric Lardinois. All the pictures were taken by Martin Hiddemann. Please feel free to use all this material for non-commercial purposes. Every other use is illegal and will be prosecuted.
You can always reach us by e-mail. Please feel free to comment on these pages.